featured works


LSTW/Lez Spread the Word, Issue 8 (2023) | “the cardinal in my backyard is a transgender icon”


Querencia Press, Not Ghosts But Spirits Vol. III (2023) | “wanting, wanton” and “daylily”


Gnashing Teeth Publishing SPURNED (2023) | “the house on mckinnie”


Bullshit Lit HORNS (2023) | “god is a dyke”


Pile Press (2022) | “cameo”


Ouch! Collective (2022) | “stolen blood”


Roi Fainéant (2022) | “at once, I feel it all suspending”


samfiftyfour (2022) | “every once in a while you” and “flight was once fabled in the same way”


EnbyLife (2022) | “little did we know”